38+ Bd Topo Open Data PNG. Click the button to the right of the dataset name to access the available data. Where can i find the opentopography data catalog?
Cette page contient les jeux de données bd topo ®, scan 25 ®, scan 100 ® et scan oaci. These topographic data are available in a range of formats depending upon who acquired the data and what product types were delivered. Select tg_layer_id into block_groups_id from user_sdo_topo_info.
Cette page contient les jeux de données bd topo ®, scan 25 ®, scan 100 ® et scan oaci.
Les autres jeux de données sont accessibles via leur fiche produit au sein du catalogue. Sdo_topo.add_topo_geometry_layer('land_use_hier', 'block_groups', 'feature','polygon', null, land_parcels_id); Select tg_layer_id into land_parcels_id from user_sdo_topo_info where topology = 'land_use_hier' and table_name = 'land_parcels'; How to initialize topology metadata in sdo topo?