25+ Open Data Sources 2018 Gif. Open data derives its base from various open movements such as open source, open hardware, open government, open science etc. Free open data sources are essential to thrive in this world of data.
These public data sources can be used for machine learning and deep learning research. Opencog, another open source platform, allows developers and data scientists to develop artificial intelligence apps and programs. Click on one of the 6.
We prepared a useful open data sources list with 40 options to find valuable and reliable datasets and great insights.
1.9 million open data downloads in eight years. 2018 is the latest but there are sets going back to 2013. Open data day is a annual global hackathon at cities to hack about some open data ideas. The national address base france's national address base, an open source database spearheaded by the general secretariat for modernization of public action (sgmap), is a truly collaborative project.