13+ Open Data Cube Tutorial Pictures. • odc documentation, videos, tutorials, and. In the sql parameter of the cube we define a base table for this cube.
Data is loaded into an olap server (or olap cube) where information is data warehousing tutorial. Project open data cube (odc) is an open source project born out of the need to better manage satellite data. The open data cube 3 is an open source solution for accessing, managing and analyzing large quantities of geographic information system (gis) data.
The open data cube is a python library and suite of supporting applications that facilitate working with large volumes of raster data.
This tutorial will guide you to create a cube. The data model defines a star/snowflake schema. The open data cube provides an integrated gridded data analysis environment for decades of analysis ready earth observation satellite and related data from multiple sources. The data cube vocabulary provides a means to do this using the w3c rdf (resource description framework) standard.